Thank you for Volunteering!

There are several ways to volunteer for your league. Each registered player requires a volunteer duty by a parent or guardian adult. Volunteers are only asked to fulfill one volunteer duty. Team Managers are selected by the League. All other duties will be filled by the Team Manager in coordination with you. Throughout the season, we may send out notices requesting help. If you've already volunteered for a position, we are not asking you to do more.

We strongly encourage volunteering as an Umpire as it is one of our greatest needs year to year. The following volunteer positions are available each season:

Team Manager (Manages the coaching and the players of each team)

Coach and Assistant Coach (Works with the Manager on coaching the players)

Umpire (great umpire training available)


Team Parent (will help the Manager coordinate the team's volunteers)

Field Prep (before and after games, setting up and taking down fields)

Snack Bar Duty (typically 2-3 shifts of 3-hours)

If your child is just starting out, it's a great time to start your Managing, Coaching or Umpiring journey as you can grow your knowledge season after season.

To enroll as a volunteer, please go to: Volunteer Enrollment